Thursday, September 6, 2018

Too much homework is not good for college students

   The problem most college students face is the large amounts of homework they receive. Most people say it is a way for students to learn time management skills, but at what cost? Having too much homework in college causes stress, anxiety, and it takes time away from students who need jobs to pay for school.

   Having too much homework causes college students' stress levels to increase. The article "School, homework, activities, sleep, repeat: College stress takes a toll on students" by Hayley Curtiss states, "Time management becomes harder and some students have too many assignments and not enough time to complete them". Having so many assignments to do in a short or even long period of time still causes a lot of stress and panic for many students. Students should be taken seriously when they say they are stressed. The ADAA says, "30% of college students reported that stress had negatively affected their academic performance"(ADAA 2015). College students have enough to worry about and homework doesn't help.

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   Many college students have jobs, so time for homework is short. The article "Working Too Much Harms US College Students' Academic Progress" states, "[Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce] found that almost half of undergraduates work more than 30 hours per week. And one-quarter of students study full-time while working full-time". A lot of college students have jobs; having a job allows college students to pay for school. That being said, it is extremely difficult for any working student to be able to complete their homework and balance a job that would help pay for the student's education. Balancing a job and the large amounts of homework a student receives is a tough task, but what doesn't help is adding in the anxiety a student gets in situations where there is just too much homework.

    In the article "School, homework, activities, sleep, repeat: College stress takes toll on students" by Hayley Curtiss a student says, "School and work definitely causes my anxiety because I want to get good grades and sometimes I want to feel like I don't have enough time to give my 100 percent on all my assignments since I have so many due at once". Having so much homework really affects students' mental health. Most students feel anxious when thy have to do their homework because they know it's never just one assignment that has to be completed for each class. Each class students have assigns more than one homework assignment. Usually, those assignments are all due on the same day. Students put in less time and effort on their assignments because of all the work they already have to do.

Image result for juggling school and work

   Having too much homework in college takes away time students could be spending on getting money through their jobs to pay for school, it causes stress, and it causes students to become anxious. The only way these problems will be solved is if there were policies in place to help students not have too much on their plates.

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