Friday, October 5, 2018

Communication In Relationships

      A common phrase that most people in relationships hear is "communication is key" but what does that mean? There are many ways of communicating; verbal and nonverbal forms of communication are important in maintaining a good relationship. Relationships succeed when the people in them communicate with each other verbally and with their body language.

   Image result for mouth speaking Spoken Language Cliparts 2916237. n.d., Digital Art. 9/30/18.

        Verbal communication is one of the main forms of communication that people in any relationship use. Talking allows two people to be able to communicate their wants and needs to each other. The article "Relationships and communication" states,"Talk about what you want, need and feel". This shows how a relationship will work if the people in it can communicate to each other about what they desire. The article "Relationships and communication" says, "We need to communicate clearly to avoid misunderstandings that may cause hurt, anger, resentment or confusion"(Relationships and communication, 2016). Verbal communication between two people in a relationship is incredibly important because if nothing is verbally communicated, the two parties would cause more harm to each other than good. In order to "share positive feelings with your partner, such as what you appreciate and admire about them, and how important they are to you" (Relationships and communication, 2016) talking to the person is important. Verbal communication is important in relationships so the relationship(s) can thrive, but there's also nonverbal communication.

Image result for non verbal communication clipart digesture clipart nonverbal communication #73597418. n.d., Digital art. 9/30/18

        Nonverbal communication is the second main form of communication used in relationships. There are five types of nonverbal communication most relationships use. The article "Nonverbal Communication", by Jeanne Segal, Melinda Smith, and Greg Boose, states, "The many different types of verbal communication include: facial expressions...Body movements and posture...Gestures...Eye contact...Touch...Space...Voice" (Nonverbal Communication, 2018). Nonverbal communication is more broad and includes more options to communicate something in particular. The article "Relationships and communication" gives a good example of a nonverbal form of communication, "lean towards the other person and make gestures to show interest and concern" (Relationships and communication, 2016). To have a good relationship, nonverbal communication speaks just as much, if not, even more, than verbal communication. A person can understand how their friend or partner is feeling based on how the other person is standing or their facial expressions. The article "The Importance of Non-verbal Communication" states, "Nonverbal signals can increase trust, clarity, and add interest to your presentation when yielded properly" (The Importance of Non-verbal Communication, 2018). By using the right gestures, a person can demonstrate a certain thought or feeling to their partner or friend (other person in the relationship). The way a tone of voice a person uses is a form of nonverbal communication that also affects how someone perceives the message being sent. The article "Relationships and communication" says, "Be aware of your tone of voice" (Relationships and communication, 2016). The tone of voice used in a conversation can make someone feel the message being sent is either aggressive, upset, happy, excited, etc. Nonverbal communication is important in expressing emotions.

        Verbal and nonverbal communication in relationships is important in order for them to succeed. By speaking to ones partner or using a certain tone of voice, so much information can be given and both parties can benefit from the understanding that communicating brings. 

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